SCRAM Ally mobile App

SCRAM Ally® Victim Notification Mobile App

The SCRAM Ally Victim Notification mobile app works in conjunction with SCRAM GPS to ensure that when a GPS client is in proximity to the victim’s phone, both the victim and the supervising authorities are notified. The victim is not required to carry a GPS device but instead installs the Ally app onto their own Apple or Android smartphone. The app allows location data to be sent to the SCRAM GPS server and identifies if the GPS client enters prohibited proximity zones.

SCRAM Ally may help provide peace of mind for the victim and gives officers additional insight into the location and actions of clients from their high-riskdomestic violence, and sex and violent offender caseloads.


  • Reliable and accurate victim location information using GPS, Wi-Fi, and the smartphone’s location services
  • Proximity alerts to the victim via email, text, or push notification
  • Ability to send the victim additional notifications like low battery, tamper alerts, or zone violations
  • Configurable victim mobile zone radius
  • Mapping software allows officers to compare client and victim locations
  • Panic button calls 911 or custom emergency number

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