Allied Universal GPS Tracking

GPS Ankle Monitor Bracelet
We offer One-Piece (AT1) tracking devices.
The benefits of the Allied solutions include multiple tracking technologies, LTE and Wi-Fi communication, Pursuit Mode, two-way communication, onboard processing, 30 days’ worth of onboard storage, nonvolatile memory, and the widest array of interference detection in the industry.
Can provide real time information on locations, can create curfews, exclusion zones, inclusion zones, and customized schedules.
Is the person still in jail? If yes, is there a bond? The bond needs to be paid before we can get someone out on GPS. If you are in jail and there is no bond in place or you are not in jail, please contact an agent closest to you. The agent will inform you of the cost and what you will need to do.
The GPS unit is waterproof up to 50ft.
Your bracelet is informing you of an alarm. Look to see what LED is flashing to tell you of what you need to do.
Flashing Red PWR: Charge the GPS. You must charge the GPS within 30min of the flashing red PWR or the GPS will die and you will be in violation. Once the device is fully charged, it will vibrate once and the PWR LED will be solid green. Remove the charger.
Flashing Red GPS: Walk outside with the GPS uncovered to an area with a clear view of the sky. Don’t stand under trees, building awnings, etc. When the alarm has cleared, the GPS LED will be off.
Flashing Red ZONE: Either leave the location where you are not permitted to be or go to the location you are scheduled to be. When the alarm has cleared the Zone LED will be off.
Flashing Red, PWR, GPS, ZONE: Your agent has sent an alert for you to contact them. Press the Acknowledge Button to acknowledge the alert. The GPS and Zone LEDs will stop flashing and be off. The PWR LED will be flashing green.