
Drug Testing Managent System

Compliance Monitoring Systems uses a drug testing management solution that supports evidence-based programs. Cordant Sentry™ is an ideal drug testing management system for the behavioral health and criminal justice industries. Our secure, HIPAA-compliant solution helps you manage your patient or clients’ drug testing schedules and everyday collections efficiently and easily.

In 2019 CMS made the switch to use Cordant-Sentry’s program to utilize the high complexity of GC/MS and LC/MS/MS to provide maximum accuracy and reliability.

Real-Time Alerts and Notifications

Unexpected drug test results trigger real-time alerts to designated staff, allowing for immediate intervention.

Create or Automate Your Testing Protocols

Easy automation to complex randomization schedules takes the guesswork out of testing patients or clients appropriately.

Electronic Records Management

Elimination of illegible writing and automatic population of demographic data saves time and improves record quality, while document storage allows quick and easy access to current and past results in a single location.

CMS is able to provide these services in Western Montana Judicial System including Probation and Parole offices, local courts, treatment courts as well as child protective services. CMS also began providing services to the private sector in the form of pre-employment, reasonable suspicion and random urinalysis testing for local businesses.

  • Extensive Drug Testing Menu with 180+ Metabolites and Parent Drugs
  • 60+ Testing Options in Urine and Oral Fluid
  • 100x Lower Cutoff Buprenorphine Testing in Urine and Oral Fluid
  • Powerful, Proprietary Technology that Combines Lab Test Ordering and Test Results
  • CLIA, CAP and CAP FDT Certified

Facts and Questions

Drug testing is the evaluation of a urine, hair, sweat or other type of biological sample to determine if the subject has been using the drug or drugs in question. There are many circumstances that may lead to drug testing:

  • Pre-employment or random, work-related drug testing to identify on-the-job drug abuse
  • Drug testing for college or professional athletes
  • Post-accident drug testing – a vehicular or on-the-job accident which may have involved human error and resulted in casualties or property damage
  • Safety-related – if an employee’s job could lead to safety issues if judgement or physical ability were impaired

Drug testing is often done when applying for employment, especially for positions that may involve federal transportation, airline industries, railways, and other workplaces where public safety is of the utmost importance. However, workplace drug testing is now common in general for many U.S. employers to lessen the impact from drug abuse and lower productivity in the workplace. The Surgeon General reported that alcohol and drug abuse, including tobacco costs the economy $524 billion per year. billion per year. In 1997, it was reported that 5.4 percent of all workers tested positive for illicit drug Many companies may also offer employee-assistance programs to support substance-abuse treatment. Workplace drug screening is primarily limited to drugs with the potential for abuse, including some prescription drugs, and alcohol. Prescription drug abuse has been reported as a growing problem in the U.S. Sports drug testing may be required for college-level and professional athletes. Pre-employment workplace drug testing usually requires that the applicant give a urine sample, but may also infrequently require blood, saliva, sweat, or hair. In certain jobs, especially those that require a high level of safety, employees may be subject to random drug screening, as well. Random drug screening may be used in instances of workplace accidents, and if the employer has suspicion that the employee is abusing drugs. Random drug testing may occur without cause for suspicion depending upon company policy.

Many variables may affect the amount of time that a drug remains detectable in the urine or other biological samples, including a drug’s half-life, the subject’s state of hydration and fluid balance, frequency of use, route of administration, cut-off concentration used by the testing lab to detect the drug, and many other variables. Each person and circumstance is different, and the best way to avoid detection of an abusable drug is to not use the drug. General guidelines are available for detection times. Many drugs stay in the system from 2 to 4 days, although chronic use of marijuana can stay in the system for 3 to 4 weeks or even longer after the last use. 

The main lab is located in Indianapolis, Indiana. In most cases we can get test results back in 24-48 hours for negative results, up to 72+ hours for positive results.

Extensive Drug Testing Menu with 180+ Metabolites and Parent drugs.

Detection Window
Clinical Use

URINE  –  Up to 7 Days on avg *Urine testing detection periods will vary greatly from drug to drug

  • Detects drug metabolites and parent drug
  • Provides a relatively long window of detection
  • Most widely used but easiest to adulterate
    Point-of-care testing options available

ORAL FLUID  –  Up to 3 Days

  • Parent compounds, few metabolites
  • Non-invasive; ideal for routine medication monitoring
  • Useful in high-risk patients when adulteration or substitution of urine samples may be suspected
  • Easy to collect, no bathroom or other facilities needed

HAIR  –  7 Days to 3 Months

  • Parent compounds and metabolites
  • Provides the longest window of detection
  • A valuable tool when onboarding new patients
  • Provides an accurate record of drug use in the last 90 days

BLOOD –  Up to 2 Days

  • Parent compounds, few metabolites
  • Measurement of pharmacologically active drugs
  • Determination of steady-state medication concentration
  • Determination of impairment

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